Why Schools Kill Creativity?

In my Art classes I am using the TAB (Teaching for Artistic Behavior) method for my curriculum.  This method focuses on creativity, and gives the students a lot of choice in what, and how they create. This method takes away the possibility for students to get stuck dong all projects that their Art teacher likes, regardless of the students passions, skills, or creative ability. 

This method has lead me to focus on teaching my students HOW to be creative. Yes, you heard me right, I am teaching creativity. I know, I know, our society told you that people are either creative, or they are not, like it's some genetic trait. I will admit that some people are naturally more creative than others, just like some students are more naturally inclined to be good at math than others. But, some level of creativity can be achieved by all students. I have been working with my students, and have developed a creative method. This method involves steps that most artists or creators utilize, but until now I had not taught this method, like it was some sort of secret. Students who are newer to creativity find this method (similar to the scientific method) very helpful.

In talking to my students about how important creative thought is, and that they cannot gain creativity  through rote type memorization, and worksheets; they asked why they don't get to be creative in any of their other classes. I, of course didn't have a good answer, because I know that creativity is of great importance. Creativity will help students no matter what profession they end up in, ALL students will need to utilize some form of creative thought.

In today's world, when our students have access to all the facts they want on the devices in their pockets, why are our schools still teaching rote memorization, and not bigger ideas, and yes, why not the VERY important, creativity? Most job applications ask for creative, innovative, thinkers, why then do schools put the arts at the bottom of the totem pole, and consider it unnecessary in many
cases? Schools are wrong, and students not having access to arts classes is hurting, and will continue to hurt our society. 
This TED talk by Ken Robinson talks more on this topic...

Ken Robinson: How Schools Kill Creativity
