Summer is Near...

It is always a challenge to keep the momentum going when summer is close, especially with the Senior slide. This year I have designed my Photography and art final to be a fun, interactive project. Students are creating their own websites to showcase all of the hard work they have done this semester. We are using weebly, wix, flickr, squarespace, and blogger. Before creating their own website they had to research other websites. They had to turn in 3 good and 3 bad website designs, and they had to include an explanation of why those websites were good or bad. I wanted them to put some though into their design, it's purpose, and it's function. Throughout this course we have been interacting on social media, constantly seeing the work of other students, and professional artists alike. We have been commenting and critiquing each other's work, and participating in challenges all on flickr:
Using social media in photography class has boosted the reflection, evaluation, inspiration, and growth in my students.  It has been a great first experience teaching digital photography.

Check out some of my students websites:
