The school year started, as always with me ready to try out new things I have been learning about over the summer. Some of the things I am excited about this year are: 1. Getting great content from me and other experts into moodle (our online classroom) 2. Having students focus on the 8 studio habits of mind 3. Continue to use as much choice as possible
1. Running a choice based classroom; I am very excited to have an online classroom available to house demonstration videos that I make, and that I find from other experts, having whole class discussions without using studio time, ensuring that I hear from everyone, making connections for my students that are individualized (artists related to their chosen medium), getting students individualized assignments related to the standards, and having resources available to students always (since there is only one of me). We just started with moodle, and so far I have 3 stations open per grade level in moodle. Moodle has stations, and within those stations are assignments for students to work through that align with the 8 studio habits of mind, and the national art standards. Each station has similar open ended assignments housed under one of the habits of mind. Here is a screen shot of my set up...
1. Running a choice based classroom; I am very excited to have an online classroom available to house demonstration videos that I make, and that I find from other experts, having whole class discussions without using studio time, ensuring that I hear from everyone, making connections for my students that are individualized (artists related to their chosen medium), getting students individualized assignments related to the standards, and having resources available to students always (since there is only one of me). We just started with moodle, and so far I have 3 stations open per grade level in moodle. Moodle has stations, and within those stations are assignments for students to work through that align with the 8 studio habits of mind, and the national art standards. Each station has similar open ended assignments housed under one of the habits of mind. Here is a screen shot of my set up...
2. I was excited to find the 8 studio habits of mind, as they work so well with choice. It gives my students big goals (even hovering above the standards) to relate to the work they are doing. It is my goal for them to be able to tell me which studio habits of mind they are working on and how they are doing. They will self assess through reflections, daily exit tickets, and assignment completion. So far I have the 8 habits on the wall, and all of their assignments are under an 8 studio habit heading, and when they turn in assignments they have to tell which studio habit the assignment focused on. We will move on from there with more in depth reflections later in the quarter. Taking the focus above the skill level means that we have a great impact on who students are and how the interact with the world, even outside of art class. Learn more about the 8 studio habits here:
3. I strive to give my students as much choice as possible, while still meeting standards, and while helping students transition to that autonomy after having been a part of a system where there is one right answer. Students initially are hesitant, some want me to tell them what to do, some are afraid of being wrong. I need to encourage them from that fear, and from wanting the easy way out, to a place where they have drive to learn, rediscover their own passions, and love for learning. I have to scaffold for some students from no choice, up to full choice, and help them with that personal growth. I do this the most in 5th grade, as students have had less opportunity for choice. My 6th-8th grade students can handle even more freedom once they find their voice again, and realize that it's ok to be worn, and it's ok to fail. In our room, failure means you are pushing yourself, and failure means you are learning.
Good post-Molly! I love how class is moving more and more towards choice... and you are getting more and more organized. Great job, thanks for sharing!