At our School, we used to have an amazing foundation called the Patriot Foundation. They supported the arts and academics in our district. The foundation often supported the painting of murals, artists in residence, field trips and more. We recently lost the Patriot foundation, and it will be sorely missed. Some of our arts and music teachers decided we would attempt to fill in that gap. This January, we held our first fundraiser at a local coffee shop; Lakes Latte. We made art ourselves, and collected donations of art from local artists that graduated from, or that support our schools. We held a silent auction on the art, and during the auction we had entertainment from a Jazz band, made up of our band director Mike Sommerness, former students, and adult musicians from the community. It was a great time, and overall it was relaxing. I would recommend this type of fundraiser to anyone. I also think the community enjoyed it, as the house was packed. Here are some photos of the event:
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