This is a topic that many teachers have reflected on, and I want to put in my two cents, since it is so important to me and my growth as an Educator...
Why Do I tweet? I tweet in order to be the best that I can for my students. The world is changing quickly, and if I am alone in my room, or even alone with a team of teachers, and we never look outside of our building, I can't see the changes. The saying that, "we are preparing our students for jobs that do not even exist yet" scares me. I cannot be content with "what I have always done". I cannot be content with "good enough." My students are counting on me.
Twitter connects me with educators from around the US, and the world. I get to talk with them, see what they are doing in their classrooms, and even collaborate with them. This is where I see what is happening out there. This is one way I make sure I am doing what is best for my students. Teachers on twitter are also very willing to answer questions, and help out whenever they can. If you want to interact with some great teachers, find a chat on twitter. Type #tabchat into your twitter search on a Sunday night at 6:30 CST, or #k12artchat Thursday night at 8:00 CST or #wiartchat Monday night at 7:00 CST. make sure you are clicked on Live (not top). Watch the tweets roll in, and when you respond, be sure you add the #tabchat (or whichever chat you are in).
Twitter has changed the way I teach, learn, reflect, and collaborate. Have I said that I love twitter! Hope to see you out there...let me know if you need help!
Here is how you search for the chat...
Here is what the chat looks like...make sure you are clicked on Live...
Why Do I tweet? I tweet in order to be the best that I can for my students. The world is changing quickly, and if I am alone in my room, or even alone with a team of teachers, and we never look outside of our building, I can't see the changes. The saying that, "we are preparing our students for jobs that do not even exist yet" scares me. I cannot be content with "what I have always done". I cannot be content with "good enough." My students are counting on me.
Twitter connects me with educators from around the US, and the world. I get to talk with them, see what they are doing in their classrooms, and even collaborate with them. This is where I see what is happening out there. This is one way I make sure I am doing what is best for my students. Teachers on twitter are also very willing to answer questions, and help out whenever they can. If you want to interact with some great teachers, find a chat on twitter. Type #tabchat into your twitter search on a Sunday night at 6:30 CST, or #k12artchat Thursday night at 8:00 CST or #wiartchat Monday night at 7:00 CST. make sure you are clicked on Live (not top). Watch the tweets roll in, and when you respond, be sure you add the #tabchat (or whichever chat you are in).
Twitter has changed the way I teach, learn, reflect, and collaborate. Have I said that I love twitter! Hope to see you out there...let me know if you need help!
Here is how you search for the chat...
Here is what the chat looks like...make sure you are clicked on Live...
And apparently I tweet so I can see myself on your most excellent blog post! See you next chat Molly and keep tweeting and blogging you are very inspirational!