3D Printing

I have been testing out my department's new 3D printer, the Ultimaker 2. I have been printing using the sculpt ap (formerly 123D creature). So far, so good. Here are some photos of the results...

**This was a pre made creature that came with the ap...(my students will have to build their own original)

Here are the steps to create your own creature with this ap...

1. Download and open the Sculpt Ap 

2. Click the Plus at the bottom to create your own creature (be careful if students go into community...anyone can add their creatures appropriate or not)

3. Choose Build From Scratch, and select the form you want to start with

4. Create, pose, add limbs, ect...here is a brief video:

5. There are painting options (though the paint won't matter for 3D printing)
At the end of this video I am clicking share and make, Export mesh, and emailing the file to myself:

6. Go to the email, and download the zip file

7. Open 3D printing software...for Ultimaker it is Cura (Downloaded from the internet)

8. Upload your file

9. Use the options on the lower left to position on the build plate, adjust scale, and rotate

10. Save the File to your SD card

11. Put the Sd card back in the 3D printer & print

Have you tried 3D printing? What programs or Aps have worked for you?
Are you happy with your 3D printer?

Here is the Ultimaker 2 in action
