How I Start My Middle School TAB Classes Day 4...

Day 4

Warm Up 5-7 mins

When students come in the room, they get their "Art Journal" out of their bins. They look on the board to see what the warm-up is, and they start working. The warm-up is typically 5-7 mins long (just while I take attendance). Today the warm-up is, "5 ideas for a new media center". I got the idea for 5 ideas from the "art for all" podcast by Danny Gregory.  Coming up with 5 ideas for something throughout the course helps my students to be more comfortable coming up with novel ideas, and helps them look at the possibilities, rather than just saying, "it's good enough already". 

Instruction 8-10 mins

I went over the basics of composition for drawing and painting. So many of my students start with details and end up having their drawings go off the page when they didn't intend it, and they press so hard right away that erasing is not possible.
I go over: 
1. Burn the image with your mind
2. Tick marks
3. sketch lightly
4. Finalize and detail

During this talk, I also show them how to hold their pencil for drawing (back further than writing, and not holding it as tight. I also talk about drawing from the wrist, elbow and shoulder, rather than just the fingers). 

Studio Time 35 mins

Students then have this time to work on "What if I's, and drawings of their choice. They are expected to select materials, find a seat, and get to work. Since it's early in the quarter I move around the room and make sure students are understanding procedures, and know what their job as an artist is. When they first go, it can be a little noisy, but typically settles down in just a few minutes. 
**Side note, early in the quarter due to student insecurities, I allow copying, tracing or anything that might not seem original to help students build skills and confidence. Later on, we talk about how to move towards more originality after they have some confidence as an artist. 

Clean Up & Exit Reflection 8-10 mins

I turn on our clean up song when there are about 8-10 mins left. The students have 2 times through the song to clean up (about 5-6 mins), after that, they return to their assigned seats for exit. I talked about the exit in my blog about Day 3. It works really well as a part of Social Emotional Learning and building relationships. We have the doughnut of dialogue, and students have some time to share out.

I forgot to mention...I have assigned seats for check in and check out, but students may sit where they choose during studio time (this has worked well for me at the middle school level). 

This was the end of Day 4...
